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音标: 英 [ˈpetrəl] 美 [ˈpɛtrəl]

n. 汽油
[经] 汽油, 挥发油, 石油

n a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines


1. He's on a petrol run. I didn't authorise a petrol run.

他去安全巡逻了 我没批准巡逻

2. The genius of this is we've made the petrol pump attendant mobile, rather than the petrol pump itself.

这次我们的高明之处在于我们请来了移动的加油员 而不是一个固定在那里的加油机

3. The car had a hole about that high above the petrol tank so you could put 55p's worth of petrol in it, which would get you there.

车子在离油箱这么高的位置上有一个洞 所以你只能加55便士的汽油 刚好够到目的地

4. This is the shittiest petrol station I've ever been to.


5. The petrol's in bottles inside this little crate.

汽油存放在这个小板条箱里 用瓶子装着

6. No. I actually meant till we run out of petrol.

不 事实上我是说等我们把油耗光的时候

7. If we get lost again, we'll stop at a petrol station.

如果我们又迷路了 我们会去加油站等着

8. Failing that, any kind of petrol engine will do.

但如果没有 任何汽油发动机都行

9. All funny colours, like petrol in a puddle.

五彩斑斓的 就像混了汽油的水坑一样

10. We ran a petrol station, on the outskirts of town.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

