中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [twi:t] 美 [twit]

vi. 啁啾
n. 小鸟叫声

n. a weak chirping sound as of a small bird
v. make a weak, chirping sound


1. And if you tweeted toward it, there is a chance that your tweet will be in the video.

如果你对它进行转发 那么你的推就有机会出现在视频里

2. We had tweet after tweet, you guys, of people who are not judging you for the choices that landed you in here.

我们收到了一条又一条的推文 内容都是他们不会介意 当初是什么原因使你们锒铛入狱

3. Say you want to tweet, but you don't know what to tweet, or your instagram's filled with, uh, pictures of your dead pet.

比如说你要发布信息 但你不知道要发什么 或者说你的图享上满满都是你死去宠物的照片

4. So now everyone has saw this tweet that even tweeted back to it will now immediately watch the video when it goes up.

所以现在所有看到和转推了这条消息的人 就会在视频放出后马上观看它

5. They've been tweeting about it on the way over.


6. I'm going to tweet all your followers.


7. It's what they tweeted about me when I ran for mayor.

这是我竞选市长的时候 他们发的推文

8. Nowadays, all it would take is a tweet.

现在 这事一个推特就能搞定

9. No. I have copies of the tweets right here.

没有 我有聊天记录的打印稿

10. With each, her followers post a tweet.

每死去一个 她的追随者会发布一条推特



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

