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音标: 英 [prəˈpensətɪ] 美 [prəˈpɛnsɪtɪ]

n. 倾向, 爱好, 习性

n an inclination to do something
n a natural inclination
n a disposition to behave in a certain way


1. The only it doesn't show is the propensity to be a psychopath.

唯一没写的是精神 倾向

2. Your defect is a propensity to hate everyone.


3. We're focusing on known offenders with a propensity for arson.

我们要找的嫌犯有纵火癖好 也有前科

4. These creatures exhibit a terrifying propensity for violence.


5. One thing remains consistent your propensity for selfdeprecation.

一件事没变 你总是自我贬低

6. A propensity on both your parts to focus on others as potential romantic attachments.

你们两个都有把别人当成 潜在婚恋对象的倾向

7. Crimson eyes, desiccated bodies, and a propensity for living in darkness.

深红色双眼 枯竭的肢体 喜欢生活在暗处

8. A propensity for tardiness makes her a problematic candidate for chief resident.

迟到的倾向 使她成为一个有污点的住院总医师候选人

9. And an 83yearold female with a fractured femur and a propensity of handing out butterscotch candies.

还有个83岁女性患者 股骨骨折 还喜欢给人分发奶油糖果

10. I would remind everyone that the majority of mentally ill people have no history of or propensity for violence.

我需要提醒大家 大部分 患有精神疾病的人没有暴力的 倾向或历史



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

