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音标: 英 [sɔilɪŋ]

v. 弄脏, 污辱( soil的现在分词 ); 喂青饲料

n. the act of soiling something


1. Put that shit on heavy soil. I've already got it on heavy soil.

那就选择强力 我已经选强力洗了

2. Without that, you know, all these plants would die, if these nutrients aren't recycled continually back from the elephant eating them, passing it through its digestive tract out on to the soil, and they get back taken back into the soil to nurture yet more plant growth.

若非如此 所有的植物都会死亡 如果这些营养没有在被大象吃掉后 又被回收利用 通过消化道排到地上 然后被分解回到土壤 以供更多的植物生长所需

3. This is a piece of soil, and of course to the eye it just seems like dirt that you find in daily life in a lot of places, but in fact, if you were to take this soil and refine it and isolate from it all of the life forms, a substantial amount of the life forms in fact will be cyanobacteria.

这里是一些土壤 当然眼前看到的 不过是尘土 日常生活中随处可见 但事实上 要是拿这些土壤进行精炼 分离出不同生命形态 我们能得到大量的 蓝藻生物

4. We are fighting on our own soil now.


5. You have to push your way through all the soil.

你得一路拨开土壤 挖出道路

6. Whatwhat am I looking at? It's soil.

这是什么玩意 这是泥土

7. It's over by that tree, where the soil's loose.

在那棵树旁边 土壤松动的地方

8. You're soiled, have no dowry, and no rank.

你被玷污了 沒有嫁妝 沒有地位

9. You're soiled, have no dowry and no rank.

你被玷污了 沒有嫁妝 沒有地位

10. but this isn't about water, or corn, or soil samples.

但这不是为了水源 或者玉米 或者土壤样本



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

