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音标: 英 [ˈwɔ:pɑ:θ] 美 [ˈwɔrˌpæθ, -ˌpɑθ]

n. 征途, 敌对行动, 敌对情绪

n. hostile or belligerent mood
n. a course leading to warfare or battle


1. Parents are on the warpath, and I don't blame them.

她的父母都准备开火了 我不怪他们

2. He's skipping school and he's just on the warpath.

他逃学了 现在又很暴躁

3. The old battleax is on the warpath because I forgot her birthday.

因为我忘了她生日 那母老虎正在气头上呢

4. Well, you best be careful, 'cause he's on a warpath.

你最好小心 他现在正斗志昂扬

5. Take it the boss lady's on the warpath this morning.


6. Pipp, you got to warn me when mom's on the warpath like that.

皮皮 妈要生气的时候你一定得提醒我

7. The local authorities are already on the warpath for goin' after one of their own.

当地警方已经开始 自己的搜捕行动

8. I mean, one thing goes wrong, and he's on a warpath.

只要做错一件事 他就会开战

9. But when a white rapist is killed in another county, suddenly you're on the warpath.

但是一个白人 犯在别的地方被杀了 你们就突然出来调查了

10. Guys, I'm just saying let's not go on the warpath until we know what happened, if anything.

伙计们 先搞清楚怎么回事 再生气也不迟



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

