中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['kɒrugeitid]

a. 皱纹的, 波状的
[医] 波纹的, 皱状的

s. shaped into alternating parallel grooves and ridges


1. Well, there's no discernible detumescence, no corrugation of the areolae.

她身上既没有明显地消肿 乳晕也没有起皱

2. Stowed away in a corrugated sardine can.


3. An old oil drum, a bit of corrugated iron.

一个旧油桶 一点铁质波浪板

4. Honey, when she sang this song, she about made the corrugated roof turn straight like a white girl's hair.

她唱歌的时候 几乎可以把瓦楞屋顶变直 直得像白人妞的头发

5. The people have had to build their own homes from tarpaulin, scrap timber and bits of corrugated metal, adding bricks as they can afford it.

人们只得用防雨布 碎木料和几块波纹金属 来建造自己的家 在能负担的情况下加上砖头

6. Murdoch's maneuver avoids plowing straight into the iceberg, but the ship's underbelly has scraped across a corrugated underwater shelf called an ice ram.

默多克的指挥使邮轮避免与冰山直接冲撞 但船腹位置 擦到了水下的冰架 也就是冰堡

7. Our corrugated roofs leak, our steep streets become streams, our open sewers overflow, and heaven help those of us still living in wooden shacks.

瓦楞屋顶不断漏雨 陡峭的小道变成小溪 露天下水道泛滥成灾 而还住在木制棚屋的人家情况就更糟糕了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

