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音标: 英 [ˈkʌtbæk] 美 [ˈkʌtˌbæk]

n. 情节倒叙, 减少, 短截植物
[经] 减少

n. a reduction in quantity or rate


1. But sadly I do have to make some cutbacks.

遗憾的是 我必须减少一些支出

2. He was leading cutbacks in the programme.


3. You claim that morale hasn't sagged here with the cutbacks In the space program.

因太空计划的预算被裁减 你说士气并没有为此受影响

4. You know, we have cutbacks ever since the new president came in.

新总统上任后 我们遭受财务削减

5. Because of the big cutback in the space program, the plant is almost out of business.

由于太空计划的大幅财政削减 该公司几乎破产

6. Cindy is transgender herself, and the prisons have stopped issuing her hormones due to cutbacks.

辛迪本身也是个变性人 监狱停止给她 激素补给 原因是经费削减

7. There are rumors in my law firm is doing cutbacks and I don't know what that's gonna mean for my bonus.

有传言说我的律所在裁员 我不知道这会对我的奖金产生什么影响

8. Some cities have gone as far as to sue to stop cutbacks in essential emergency services.

有些城市甚至提出上诉 反对在基本紧急服务行业内的裁减

9. There have been some cutbacks at the higher levels, but we are optimistic things are picking up, which is why I am bringing in new employees to, uh, help all of you.

公司裁退了一些较高层的员工 但我们乐观认为情况会好转的 所以我雇用了新员工 来...帮大家的忙

10. Cos if he did, not to throw away the old pairs as, owing to cutbacks, they'd started a spectacles recycling scheme.

他戴的话 别扔掉旧的眼镜 由于经费削减 他们开始回收旧眼镜了



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