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音标: 英 [ə'nemənɪ] 美 [əˈnɛmənɪ]

n. 银莲花, 海葵
[医] 银莲花属(毛莨科)

n. any woodland plant of the genus Anemone grown for its beautiful flowers and whorls of dissected leaves


1. And in return, the anemone offers security.

作为回报 海葵给小丑鱼提供安全居所

2. Throngs of carnivorous anemones crowd the underwater cliffs.


3. But it's the sea anemones that have made the catch and they've grabbed a monster.

但这次是海葵充当的是猎人的角色 它们合力把水母收入了囊中

4. Their only obstacle, the occasional anemone that tries to catch them as they float past.

它们唯一的阻碍 就是时不时有海葵想在它们飘过时 试图抓住它们

5. Well, I guess we'll go back home and brush up on the anemone.

好了 我想我们要回家打扫海葵了

6. For the clownfish and the anemone, cooperation is the key to success in this extremely crowded environment.

对于小丑鱼和海葵来说 共生是在这个摩肩接踵的环境中生存下去的关键

7. The clownfish keeps the anemone in good health by removing unwanted parasites.

小丑鱼通过清理海葵上的有害寄生虫 使海葵保持健康状态

8. And then on the front you've got a vintage sugar rose with hydrangeas and orchids, an anemone and a dahlia.

在前面你可以看到古董糖玫瑰 还有绣球花和兰花 以及银莲花和大丽花

9. A female may lay up to 1,000 eggs on the rock beneath her anemone home.

一只雌性小丑鱼 能在海葵下方的岩石上产下1000个卵

10. Clownfish deal with the problem of overcrowding by sharing space with another creature, gigantic anemones.

小丑鱼解决过度拥挤问题的方法是 和另一种生物共享空间 就是这巨型海葵



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