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音标: 英 [bəˈsɜ:k, -ˈzɜ:k] 美 [bɚˈsək, -ˈzək]

a. 狂暴的, 疯的
adv. 狂暴地, 疯地

n one of the ancient Norse warriors legendary for working themselves into a frenzy before a battle and fighting with reckless savagery and insane fury
s frenzied as if possessed by a demon


1. Elijah went all berserker on her crew.

以利亚暴怒 把她所有的人都杀了

2. My brothers, this is an historic day for the berserker tribe.

我的弟兄们 今天对狂野部落来说 是历史性的一天

3. Still not clear on how we're gonna use the berserker in all this.

我还是不太明白 我这满满的技能点要如何发挥

4. It says the berserkers were forces of complete annihilation.


5. You distract these racist s, while I hotbox them with some berserker.

你去引开这帮种族主义 我给他们来一发猛料

6. And if he ever goes berserk, I know I can outrun him.

如果哪天他发狂 我肯定也跑得比他快

7. You know, the berserkers, they they turned into animals so that they could do anything to anyone.

狂暴战士 他们变成动物 这样他们就能对任何人做任何事

8. As long as we have this sword, we have the power to make her go berserk.

只要我们有这柄剑 我们能让她发狂

9. The berserkers would tattoo it on the back of their necks before going into battle.

狂暴战士在上站场之前 会将它纹在后颈

10. When she found them on me, I thought she'd go berserk, but... she was just curious.

在我书包里找到的时候 我以为她要发飙了 但她只是好奇



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

