中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['dʒɪmbəl] 美 ['dʒɪmbəl]

n. 常平架, 平衡环
[电] 平衡圈环

n. an appliance that allows an object (such as a ship's compass) to remain horizontal even as its support tips


1. I've replaced the propeller and reattached the gimbal controller unit.

我把坏的螺旋桨给换了 并重新装上了平衡环控制单元

2. Oh, if you'll excuse me, my gimbals need a good whale oiling.

不好意思 我的平衡環需要上鯨油

3. I had the espresso maker mounted on gimbals, so when the big waves hit, they won't ruin the foam art on our cappuccino.

我把濃縮咖啡機固定在了常平架上 這樣大浪襲來時 就不會弄壞我們的卡布奇諾上面的奶泡

4. near apogee, we gimbal the engine to exert a torque that executes a pitchover maneuver to flip the rocket by 180 degrees.

火箭靠近远地点时 利用万向节 驱动发动机施加转矩 执行重力转向机动 将火箭翻转180度

5. So this is a highperformance gimbal, which is a 20x30 foot large, steel construction that you see behind me now, and what it means is that we put the set on it and it moves in, like, four stages forward, back, left and right, and it can also roll.

这是一个高性能平衡架 就是你看到的 在我身后约6x9米大的钢架 这意味着我们把布景放上去后 它可以向四方移动 前 后 左 右 还可以转动



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

