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音标: 英 [sæt] 美 [sæt]

n. 饱和度
[计] 饱和度

n the seventh and last day of the week; observed as the Sabbath by Jews and some Christians
v be seated
v be around, often idly or without specific purpose
v take a seat
v be in session
v assume a posture as for artistic purposes
v sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions
v be located or situated somewhere
v work or act as a baby-sitter; I have too much homework to do"
v show to a seat; assign a seat for
v serve in a specific professional capacity


1. No, I sat and I sat, but to no avail.

我坐在马桶上等了又等 但徒劳无功

2. I just sat on my sofa and then he sat on his daybed, and then we both just... sat.

我只是坐在沙发上 然后他坐在他的床上 然后 我们俩就那么坐着

3. And when it was over, they sat down.

当一切结束的时候 他们坐下

4. Because as soon as they sat down and I mean as soon as they sat down, them two good ol' boys got off their stools and went right for 'em.

因为 等他们一坐下来 我指 他们坐下来的瞬间 那两个男人就从凳子上起身 径直走向他们

5. Neptune would have sat on this side, which is a more nautical side, and the goddess of the land would have sat on this land section where we can see rocks and plants and animals.

涅普顿会被放在这一边 也就是更像海的一边 大地女神会被放在陆地这一边 我们可以看到这些岩石还有动植物

6. But nearly always, when I've sat in a clinic with someone, or I've sat on a ward with someone, and we've had a really deep and meaningful conversation about the future, about wishes, about views, about certain interventions, nearly everyone feels better afterwards for having had these frank conversations.

但绝大多数情况下 当我坐在患者身旁时 不论是在诊所还是病房里 我们都会进行非常深刻且意义深远的谈话 关于未来 希望 观点 以及特定的治疗 进行过这些坦诚的交谈后 几乎所有患者都会感觉更好一些

7. He sat here while he was filming her.

他在 她的时候坐在这里

8. He masturbated and sat down to do it.

他坐下来 凌驾着她的身体

9. This is why I sat down with you today.


10. And that I've sat there and watched their girls.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

