中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 提供货物(stock的过去式与过去分词形式)

s. furnished with more than enough


1. You've seen my stock. It's like terrible stock.

你见过我的上梁 歪得离谱

2. Sale en they buy the stock, they're responsible for the stock, they sell, they earn.

推销员 他们把货买下 自己为货物负责 卖掉就能挣钱

3. You pick a risky stock to go up in one, and the same stock to go down in the other.

你在一个店里买涨一支高风险股票 又在另一个店买跌同一支股票

4. Stock markets close in a few hours, and bank stocks are taking a beating.

几小时后股市就要休市 银行股票遭受重创

5. I'm thinking of doing that sauce with a chicken stock base, a white chicken stock, just to lighten it up a bit.

我在想用鸡汤来调那个酱汁 让味道淡一点

6. I never use that word lightly but it's my duty to point out that if you feel comfortable about a stock, then it's probably a stock everyone knows about.

我不會輕易用這個詞 但我有責任指出 如果你對一只股票感到放心 那只股票估計是人盡皆知

7. Then you have dinner for two hours where you cancel a private stock sale that you both arranged, and one hour ago, that stock mysteriously gets bought by some shell corporation set up last year.

随后共进晚餐两个小时 你们还都取消了 事先约好的私人股票交易 而一小时前 那部分股份却奇迹般地 被一个去年成立的空壳公司收购了

8. But if you really plan on giving billions of dollars to this stock jockey, ask him this, how he's codified the behavioral heuristics at his firm from stock selection to position sizing to market timing to risk management.

但如果你真的要 把上亿的钱给这个家伙 问问他 他的公司是依据什么来做出决策的 从选股到持仓规模 到市场择时到风险管理

9. Maybe we should stock up on some food while we're here.

我们既然来了 也该囤一些食物

10. Wonder what that would do to your stock price.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

