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音标: 英 ['æpl] 美 [ˈæpəl]

n. 苹果, 家伙
[医] 苹果

n. fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh
n. native Eurasian tree widely cultivated in many varieties for its firm rounded edible fruits


1. It's like comparing apples to apple pie.


2. And she loves apples but hates apple sauce.


3. Not just a flower, an apple blossom, ghost apple, to be exact.

不仅是一朵花 是一朵苹果花 确切得说 是鬼果

4. Now that is a proper pork and apple cider pie, with sage and apple verjus.

这就是一个美味的猪肉苹果果汁派 加入了鼠尾草和苹果酸果汁

5. Man, that's like a caramel apple, except your hand's the apple, the tar's the caramel, and no one finds this delicious.

兄弟 你的手就像焦糖苹果似的 不过你的手是苹果 焦油是焦糖 而且看着不好吃

6. Why don't you guys just whip up an alternate launch plan with a big public rollout, and then we can compare apples to apples.

你们再起草一个大规模投入使用的 备选计划 我们来把两个对比一下

7. Pork and apple is a match made in heaven, so I'm making a scrumptious pork and apple pie but with a very special and a very ancient ingredient called verjus.

猪肉和苹果是天作之合 因此我要做一道美味的猪肉苹果派 但要在里面加入一种十分特殊而古老的 名叫酸果汁的原料

8. No, you you were the apple of his eye.

不 你一直是他的心头肉

9. You know what, I'll have the apple pie.

这样吧 给我来份苹果派

10. This is pork and apple in there and there's some mash too.

这里面有猪肉和苹果 还有些糊糊



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

