中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['i:vl] 美 [ˈivəl]

n. 邪恶, 不幸, 罪恶
a. 邪恶的, 不幸的, 有害的, 讨厌的

n. morally objectionable behavior
n. that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune; the good is oft interred with their bones"- Shakespeare
n. the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice
a. morally bad or wrong


1. Hear evil, see evil, do evil... the trifecta.

神智被侵蚀 然后就会变成杀人魔

2. I see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

我眼不见 耳不听 口不说

3. I'm ashamed. It's evil. I'm evil, you know.

我很羞愧 我想法太恶毒了 我是毒妇

4. Why would I be happy? I’m not evil. I punish evil.

我为什么会高兴 我并不 但我惩罚 之人

5. That's what evil people tell themselves when they do evil things.

坏人在做坏事时 都会这么给自己开脱

6. But in this case, it's evil twin, eviler twin.

而这个案子里 是一个坏一个更坏

7. That man is not evil for what he did but it is evil that let it happen.

人之所以 不是因为他所做的事 而是因为他的 让他做坏事

8. I agree, there is evil at work, but surely it's a very human evil.

我同意 确实有 在作祟 但绝对是人类的

9. Whatever evil you are, you walk amongst greater evil still.

无论你们有多 还有更 的存在

10. Looks like my protection spell to keep evil out is keeping evil in.

看来我抵御恶灵来犯的防护咒 成了困住恶灵的紧箍咒



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

