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音标: 英 [ˌeksɪ'kju:ʃn] 美 [ˌɛksɪˈkjuʃən]

n. 实行, 完成, 执行, 死刑
[计] 执行

n. putting a condemned person to death
n. (computer science) the process of carrying out an instruction by a computer
n. (law) the completion of a legal instrument (such as a contract or deed) by signing it (and perhaps sealing and delivering it) so that it becomes legally binding and enforceable


1. No, they're out here to execute him.

不 他们是来这儿处死他的

2. Not just to execute people, but also to execute their vision.

不仅仅是进行处刑 也执行国王的愿景

3. I'd have been executed if it weren't for you.

要不是你 我早被处死了

4. Before the three amigos could execute that part of the plan, they themselves were executed.

这三个臭皮匠还没能执行计划的这部分 就先自己被执行了

5. At the last execution, at least half the people there were fans of executions.

上次处决的时候 至少有一半现场的人都疯狂热爱处决

6. Well, it just wasn't the intro to the executive to the executive assistant director that I had hoped for.

问题是 这样跟行政助理局长见面 不是我预想的方式

7. Her official date of execution passed five months ago, but the execution never happened.

她的正式处刑日期已经过去了五个月 但处刑并未实施

8. German soldiers had large programs of executions but were in short supply of ammunition so they experimented with the execution of several individuals with one, just one single bullet.

德国士兵有一个数量很大的处决计划 但弹药供应不足 所以他们试验了用一颗子弹 对几个人进行处决的方法

9. This is her learning of the execution.


10. If he's caught, he could be executed.

如果他被抓 会被判死刑



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

