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音标: 英 [ɪk'stri:m] 美 [ɪkˈstrim]

n. 极端, 末端
a. 极端的, 尽头的, 极度的, 偏激的

n. the furthest or highest degree of something
s. of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity
s. far beyond a norm in quantity or amount or degree; to an utmost degree
s. beyond a norm in views or actions


1. He's extremely fast, and we are extremely busy.

他动作极快 而我们极忙

2. Well, history is extreme, truth is extreme.

历史是极端的 真理也是极端的

3. But extreme situations call for extreme measures.


4. And extreme beliefs beget extreme action, Inspector.

极端思想会招致极端的行为 探长

5. You are either an extremely skilled liar or an extremely honest 28yearold.

你要么是个经验极其老道的说谎精 要么你就真是28岁

6. It's extremely, extremely important you tell us this for us to believe you.

要让我们相信你 你讲的这些 非常非常重要

7. It's extremely hot in here with the windows closed and extremely noisy with them open.

关上窗户 这里会很热 开着 却又太吵

8. Well, we know it occurs in the embryo when it's extremely all and extremely young.

我们知道该病形成时 胚胎还极其幼小

9. And now, to top it all off, you inherit a suit against an extremely, extremely wealthy family.

最重要的是 你继承了 可以针对超级富豪的诉讼

10. Civilian oversight is too extreme a step, but I'd be happy to revisit some of the other less extreme proposals.

民事监管的提议太过极端 不过我愿意重新考虑 不那么极端的提议



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

