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音标: 英 [zi:l] 美 [zil]

n. 热心, 热衷, 热诚

n. excessive fervor to do something or accomplish some end


1. However, she discovers her heritage with a zeal, a zeal for truth, and that truth to be discovered however it may, if you see my meaning.

但她发现了自己的身世 而因此热衷于寻求真相 并且愿不惜一切挖掘真相 如果你明白我意思的话

2. The zeal with which you destroy those who would harm her.


3. I applaud your zeal, but not at the expense of the law.

我很欣赏你的热情 但不能以法律为代价

4. Sennheiser once again praised it with her usual frothy zeal.


5. Nevertheless, I congratulate them on their considerable fervour and their zeal.

不过 我衷心赞赏他们 这样的 和热情

6. Your zeal and passion are commendable, but they are very nearly overbalanced by your impatience.

你的热忱值得称赞 但你的急躁与之不相称

7. Air, water, earth, and fire conspire against his visionary zeal.

空气 水 大地 火 都在阻挠他梦想的脚步

8. Detective, I understand your zeal, but I would urge you to use caution until we know what we're up against.

警探 我理解你的急切 但我得提醒你謹慎從事 先搞清楚我們面對的是什么

9. That in our zeal to rid satan from our midst, we are instead killing innocents.

我们群情激昂铲除族中的撒旦 实则是在以此滥杀无辜



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

