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音标: 英 [əˈtenʃn] 美 [əˈtɛnʃən]

n. 注意, 注意力
[计] 引起注意信号

n. the process whereby a person concentrates on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others
n. a general interest that leads people to want to know more
n. a courteous act indicating affection
n. the faculty or power of mental concentration


1. I better have your attention, too everybody's attention.

最好也让你听听 让所有人听听

2. Yeah, they should pay less attention to our business and more attention to their own.

他们应该少关注点我们的事 多注意自己的生意

3. attention, attention, please clear the area immediately.

大家注意 请所有人员立即离开

4. The longer he stays, the more attention he draws, the more attention he demands.

他留的时间越长 就会吸引越多注意 也会提出越多的要求

5. This case has national attention now, so attention must be paid.


6. See, the nice thing about stepchildren is, if you don't pay attention to them, they don't pay attention to you.

继女继子的好处在于 如果你不注意他们 他们也不会注意你

7. And sometimes it makes people pay attention to something they haven't been paying attention to before.

有些时候会去驱使人们关注某些 他们以前从未关心过的事情

8. In our experience, clients in your situation tend to draw attention to themselves the kind of attention we can't afford.

在我们的经验里 像你这样处境的客户 会吸引到别人的注意 这种注意带来的代价我们可承担不起

9. I needed to say something that would get his attention, and I needed to say something that would get your attention.

我需要说些什么吸引他的注意力 而且还需要说一些能吸引你注意力的话

10. Focus attention on the big picture and then, bam, create an unexpected event that steals attention.

把注意力吸引到大的事件上 然后突然 制造一个意外的事件来转移注意力



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

