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音标: 英 ['epɪsentə] 美 ['epɪˌsentə]

n. 震中, 中心

n. the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake


1. I tracked the epicenter of the ratfree zone.


2. This is my happy place, and you are the epicenter of my unhappiness.

这儿是我的开心地 而你是我所有不幸的大集合

3. Second of all, they map off three days' walk from that epicenter.

然后 他们标出了 以此为中心要走三天的路程

4. And then we build right downtown in the heart of the city, in the epicenter, and we become the heart of the city.

现在我们就在市中心建立起来 城市的心脏 城市的焦点 我们成为了城市的心脏

5. At now at 25, he's worth nine figures and at the epicenter of the oil shale boom.

现在25岁的他 身价达九位数 处于油页岩繁荣的中心

6. An epicenter pops up, starts to move, disappears, and then another one shows up somewhere else.

震中突然出现 开始移动 然后消失 然后另一个震中在其他地方出现

7. If you can survive in the epicenter of a raging wildfire for days on end, you can handle a few kids for one night.

如果你在森林大火的中心 都能活下来 照顾几个小孩子一晚上肯定也不是个问题

8. Fringe division identified a class ten energy surge emanating from this complex, which would normally justify evacuating a tenmile radius around the epicenter.

潜科学部门发现十级能量脉冲 由这所大楼发出 按常规应当疏散周围十英里以内的地区



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

