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音标: 英 [lɪp] 美 [lɪp]

n. 唇, 口缘, 唇状构造
vt. 以嘴唇碰, 轻轻说出
a. 口头上的
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n. either of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth and play a role in speaking
n. (botany) either of the two parts of a bilabiate corolla or calyx
n. either the outer margin or the inner margin of the aperture of a gastropod's shell


1. Settling down is what happens when you bite your lip, and your lip gets swollen, so you bite your lip again, and then you keep doing that thing, where you keep biting your lip over and over.

安顿下来 是你咬到了嘴唇 结果你嘴唇肿了起来 结果你又咬到了嘴唇 结果你就老是这样 一遍遍地咬到嘴唇

2. Your lips had a dalliance with the lips of another woman.


3. I think they're mouth lips, but they could be vagina lips.

我觉得是嘴唇 但也可能是

4. And my lips would find your lips, and it would all feel so good.

我的唇会找上你的唇 一切会感觉很棒

5. A naked lip is a baby's lip, and we don't hire babies.

嘴巴没毛 就是婴儿 我们不招婴儿

6. I'm sorry, did we zip our lips? I think we zipped our lips.

抱歉 我们闭嘴了吗 闭了吧

7. Like kissing, you know, closed lips, open lips.


8. Raise your upper lip, bottom lip, stick your tongue out.

抬一下你的上嘴片 下嘴片 伸舌头

9. Here are some tulips to celebrate the day these two lips first kissed those two lips.

送你一束郁金香 庆祝我的嘴唇亲到你的嘴唇那天

10. With an orchid behind my ear and big, wet lips painted over the lip line.

耳边夹着一朵兰花 口红涂得满满溢出唇线 饱满又湿润



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

