中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [snɔ:t] 美 [snɔrt]

vi. 喷着气弄响鼻子, 轻蔑地哼, 嘶嘶响着排气
vt. 哼着鼻子说, 喷出, 吸入(毒品)
n. 喷鼻息, (潜艇的)水下通气管

v. indicate contempt by breathing noisily and forcefully through the nose
v. make a snorting sound by exhaling hard


1. Look, they have you snort some ing coke, and, well, it's not really coke, but you snort it and it has your nostrils get all big and then you get a horse dick and shit.

他们给你吸一些可卡因 然后 好吧 那不是真的可卡因 但是你吸了然后你的鼻孔会变大 然后你会有马的老二

2. We oked it, we drank it and we snorted it.

用嘴抽 咽下去 用鼻子吸

3. I'm sorry about snorting all over your hand.

喷了你一手口水 我很抱歉

4. I have some multivitamins we could crush up and snort.

我有一些复合维他命 我们可以碾碎了吸一下

5. You can do what you want with it. I'm gonna snort it.

你还咋样就咋样 反正我就是要吸

6. And then I heard a pig snorting behind me.


7. He gives her the tetroxide, she snorts it, she dies.

他给她四氧化物 她吸进去 就死了

8. snort this. It'll take the edge off.

把这个吸了 会轻松许多

9. I even ground it up to see if he'd snort it.

我甚至碾碎了 看它会不会吸掉

10. You snorted something, upstairs in the toilet.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

