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音标: 英 [weə(r)] 美 [wɛr]

n. 穿着, 戴, 使用, 耗损, 服装, 耐久性
vt. 穿着, 戴, 留(须、发等), 呈现, 磨损, 磨成, 耗损, 使疲乏, 消磨
vi. 磨损, 变旧, 耐久, 渐变, 渐渐消失

n. impairment resulting from long use
n. the act of having on your person as a covering or adornment
v. be dressed in
v. have on one's person


1. For judge a man not by the wear of what he wears, but by the where and how he wears it.

uһ ԓʲô ԓôʹĈ

2. What I always wear when I'm not wearing this.

我 这身的时候 穿的那身

3. You wearing a wire? I'm not wearing...no, no, no.

你有戴 器吗 没有 没有

4. I'll wear it. I'll wear it all the time.

我会穿的 我会一直穿着

5. If you think about it, it's sexy when men wear exactly what they're supposed to wear, but for girls it's sexy to wear what you're not supposed to wear.

你们仔细想想 当男人穿着 应该穿的衣服时就很性感 但对女生来说 穿不该穿的衣服才叫性感

6. I'm wearing a dress I would never wear.


7. Not only is she wearing her clothes, she's wearing her fingerprints.

她不止穿著她的衣服 指紋也一樣

8. And I was wearing... I was wearing beige trousers.

而且我那天还穿着 我穿着浅褐色的裤子

9. I'm wearing what I always wear, and I am packing up lenses.

我穿着我平常穿着的衣服 正在打包镜头



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

