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音标: 英 [ˌsɪŋkrənaɪ'zeɪʃən] 美 [ˌsɪŋkrənaɪ'zeɪʃən]

n. 同步

n the relation that exists when things occur at the same time
n an adjustment that causes something to occur or recur in unison
n coordinating by causing to indicate the same time


1. But I can't dive. It's not about diving. It's about synchronising.

我不会潜水 跟潜水无关 关键在于双人

2. This synchronisation is useful for picking up information from others.


3. But you try to synchronise with your partner, and then you lie wake.

但你试图与你的伴侣 保持同步 但你躺着就是睡不着

4. Now, my watch is synchronised with the village clock.


5. I thought we could end the gala with a synchronised diving competition.


6. Some species synchronise their flashes to increase the visibility of the message.

某些种类的萤火虫会同步发光 以便更清楚地传递信息

7. And I reckon we've got a chance this year, because there is a new event, synchronised diving.

而且今年很有戏 因为有个新项目 双人跳

8. And it is the lightdark cycle that we see, that's what synchronises our body clock to the 24hour day.

我们看到白天黑夜的明暗循环 能将生物钟同步至二十四小时的周期

9. Each species of coral has its own particular triggers, but they must synchronise their behaviour to ensure their success.

每一种类的珊瑚有各自的触发因素 但它们必须互相同步 来确保自己的成功

10. What is quite interesting about some species of fireflies is that, in groups, they start to synchronise their flashes somewhat, with each other.

某些种类的萤火虫的有趣之处在于 在群体中 不知为何他们相互之间 会协同发光



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