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音标: 英 [lɪˈnəʊlɪəm] 美 [lɪˈnoʊlɪəm]

n. 油地毡, 漆布
[化] 油毡; 亚麻油毡

n. a floor covering


1. No, no, there's no reverb in your voice, there's no squeaking linoleum.

不 你的声音里没有回音 也没有滴滴叫的声音

2. You are standing here in my office, not bleeding out on the linoleum.

你还活生生地站在我办公室里 没有血染地毯

3. crying, blubbering, snotting all over the linoleum.

痛哭流涕 鼻涕流在油毯上

4. The steel is still intact, and so is the linoleum and the wood.

钢铁依旧完好无损 油毡和木头也是

5. He's going to bleed out all over the county's fine linoleum.

他就会在监狱里 最好的油毡上 致死了

6. This linoleum it looks like real tile.

这层油毯 看起来像真的瓷砖

7. This black and white linoleum in, like, a chevron pattern.

黑白的油布 人字形花纹

8. Another word and I'll blow your brains all over the ing linoleum.

再多说一个字 我就把你的脑袋给爆了

9. We can scratch the peeling linoleum, but we don't want it to look too nice.

我们可以改掉墙毡的设计 但不想显得太高端

10. Community center, linoleum floors, depressing folding chairs.

社区中心 油毡地毯 令人压抑的折叠椅



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

