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音标: 英 ['dʒɔ:,lain]

n. 下颌的轮廓,下巴的外形


1. With male faces, they tend to have a larger jawline, a more angular jawline, a longer nose, and the larger brow ridge, which makes them more masculine.

男性的脸通常下颌轮廓更大 下巴棱角更分明 鼻子更长 眉骨更大 这样看起来更有男子气概

2. The rest was completely your fault for that incredible jawline.

不过接下来的事全是你的错 都怪你那完美的下巴

3. Very strong jawline for a little fella to carry off.

下巴线条太明显 不适合小婴儿

4. I mean that beautiful jawline's gonna disappear.

我是说 她那美妙的下颌会变成双下巴

5. I'm just trying to make it look like you have a jawline.


6. Angela, reduce tissue depth over the cheekbones to the jawline.

Angela 减少颧骨到下巴的组织深度

7. Well, I bet you were one of the only babies with a chiseled jawline.

我猜你是唯一一个下巴棱角分明的 小婴儿

8. we wouldn't even consider operating until we could see discoloration in the neck and the jawline.

除非看到脖子和下颌变色 否则我们都不会考虑动手术

9. Well, kiddo, you're my hero for giving me a nice, strong jawline.

孩子 你是我的英雄 给我画了这么漂亮硬朗的下巴

10. Just wistfully contour two fingers along the jawline.

就在距离下巴轮廓两指处 化一下



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

