中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌʌnˈdɪsəplɪnd] 美 [ˌʌnˈdɪsəplɪnd]

a. 未受过训练的, 训练不足的, 不遵守纪律的
[法] 缺乏纪律的, 任性的, 无修养的

s. not subjected to discipline
s. lacking in discipline or control


1. She's untrained, undisciplined, and very, very gifted.

她未经训练 毫无纪律 非常有天赋

2. Your power is extraordinary, but it's undisciplined.

你的魔力非同一般 但未經訓練

3. I will not go into battle alongside undisciplined conscripts.

我不会和一群毫无组织纪律的 应征士兵去打仗

4. I can't risk an accident with undisciplined, nonmilitary pilots in the air.

我不能冒着出事的危险 让不听命令的非军队飞行员起飞

5. I have an army of untrained, undisciplined, illequipped men and not enough of 'em.

我手下这堆人缺乏训练 纪律松散 装备不精 还人手严重不足

6. I have tried to save you from yourselves, but you have remained academically undisciplined, reckless, and a bad influence on each other.

我努力拯救你们 但你们继续在学术上不守纪律 鲁莽 对彼此是个糟糕的影响

7. Whoever you put in my place will still be left with untrained, undisciplined soldiers and impudent, disloyal officers.

不管你让谁取代我 将面对的 还是这批缺乏训练 纪律松散的士兵 和无礼又不忠的军官

8. An undisciplined, overextended military, the conspicuous display of wealth, a massive disparity between rich and poor, a desire to live off a bloated state and an obsession with sex.

溷乱无纪 过分扩张的军队 炫耀性的财富展示 极大的贫富差距 寄生于繁华都市的 沉迷于



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

