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音标: 英 [ˈækʃənəbl] 美 [ˈækʃənəbəl]

a. 可提起诉讼的
[经] 能起诉的

s. affording grounds for legal action


1. You need to take action and get some action.

你得采取行动 搞到艳遇

2. No, that's only the action of what he does.

错 这只是他实现目的的手段

3. All actions have ramifications, which means all actions leave evidence.

一切行为都有后果 也就是说一切行为都会留下线索

4. About to have some action. I'm up.

目标要有行动了 我醒着

5. No further action was taken, as no further action was taken in other cases of this kind.

没有对他采取其它措施 就像类似情况也不会有采取其他措施

6. So takin' action, any action at all, is a way to alleviate that confusion.

所以做点什么 做什么都行 用来缓解困惑

7. Actions speak louder than words, and your actions say that you're on his side.

事实行动胜于雄辩 你的行动表明你是站在他那边的

8. When you question the integrity of the bureau's actions, you question the integrity of my actions.

当你质疑联调局行动是否公正时 你就是在质疑我的举措是否有理

9. You take no responsibility for your actions, actions which can kill the coalition.

你对自己的行为毫不负责 这些行为会毁了联盟

10. In the face of danger, some instincts believe that no action is better than the wrong action.

面对危险时 有些直觉使我们认为 不做事情要好过做错事



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

