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音标: 英 [defnəs] 美 [ˈdɛfnɪs]

n. 聋, 不听
[医] 聋[症]

n. partial or complete loss of hearing


1. You're just deaf to all of it, deaf and soulless.

你只是对一切 装聋作哑并且麻木不仁

2. Okay, just because he's not deaf doesn't mean everybody's not deaf.

好吧 就算他不聋 也不代表所有人都不聋

3. It's like the kind of deaf you can make fun of, just like dad deaf.

是那种 可以拿来开玩笑的那种 就像老人耳背

4. When they are speaking they give the impression that they are deaf, but in fact they are hearing individuals but they give the impression that they are deaf because their speech is not clear so people have got difficulty understanding them.

他们说话时 让人感觉他们是聋子 但实际上他们听力正常 只是给人一种聋人的印象 因为他们口齿不清 所以人们很难理解他们说的话

5. What are you, deaf? I've been calling you.

你聋了吗 我一直在喊你

6. How did...? I'm blind. I'm not deaf.

你怎么... 我看不到 但没聋

7. That would be a vow of silence, not deafness.

那将是一个无声宣誓 而不是失聪

8. I'm not rooting for everybody to be deaf.


9. And help the deaf, so it's a twofer.

还有帮助失聪儿童 买一送一

10. No, I can't hear you. I'm completely deaf.

不 我听不到 我完全聋了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

