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音标: 英 [felvd] 美 [felvd]

a. 搁置的;废置不用的

v hold back to a later time
v place on a shelf


1. The only problem is, all the good stuff is drowned out by shelves and shelves of nonsense.

然而唯一的问题是 好东西 都没埋没在满书架的胡说八道中

2. It's in there with you. It's in a jar, it's on one of the shelves.

就在里面 在一个瓶子里 就在一个架子上

3. and have tried all the thing on the shelves.

又束手无策的妈妈们 我的建议是

4. All the shelves, the computers in the back.

所有的架子 還有后面的電腦

5. And I could put some shelves on that wall.


6. There's someone else in here, behind the shelves.

这里还有其他人 就在架子后面

7. Start with that shelf. If it's not there, try all the other shelves.

先看那个架子 要是没有 就看别的

8. What, I gave you two shelves, and okay.

怎么 我给了你两个架子呢 好吧

9. Well, I don't know about you, but I'm stacking shelves.

我不知道你 但是我要整理货架

10. They couldn't keep it on the shelves, which were themselves made of bronze.

人们趋之若鹜 脸架子都是青铜造的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

