中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [blaɪð] 美 [blaɪð, blaɪθ]

a. 愉快的, 高兴的

s. lacking or showing a lack of due concern
s. carefree and happy and lighthearted


1. Not long ago you would have blithely left them behind.

就在不久前, 你还非常乐意他们丢下

2. Well, you were the one who would so blithely destroy all of them, even him, I suppose.

你才是那个毫无怜悯想要将他们全部毁灭的人 我估计你连他也不会放过

3. Okay, in no other debate are euphemi s so blithely accepted by the press.

换成其他议题 媒体才不会 轻易接受那么语焉不详的表达

4. Yet the black ith still blithely peddles his wares, his blood lost to our cause.

而那个铁匠 还在尽情兜售自己的铁器 他应该为我们的事业牺牲

5. Oh, I don't know because I blithely assumed my mother did not have cancer when, in fact, she did, and none of you told me.

我不知道 也许是因为我以为 我妈没有癌症时 其实她已经患上了 但你们却没人告诉我

6. I love the way surgeons blithely suggest cutting through my cerebral cortex to remove part of my brain.

真是有意思 外科医生这么轻松地建议 在我大脑皮层上切一刀 移除我一部分的大脑

7. Because I am so tired of the political pundits and the mainstream media making blithe assumptions about women who are over 50, as if our lives lacked the drive and the energy of people 20, 30 years younger.

因为我厌倦了所谓的政界专家 和主流媒体对年过半百的女人 做一些轻率的假设 仿佛我们的生活缺少 比我们年轻二三十岁女人的



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

