中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [wi:l] 美 [wi:l]

n. 轮子, 车轮, 轮, 方向盘, 旋转, 机构, 重要人物
vt. 使旋转, 转动, 使转向
vi. 旋转, 转弯, 盘旋

n. a simple machine consisting of a circular frame with spokes (or a solid disc) that can rotate on a shaft or axle (as in vehicles or other machines)
n. forces that provide energy and direction
n. a circular helm to control the rudder of a vessel
v. change directions as if revolving on a pivot


1. He's gonna wake up with his hands on the steering wheel thinking that he fell asleep at the wheel.

他醒后会发现自己握着方向盘 以为自己开着车睡着了

2. The world's largest observation wheel is designed like a giant bicycle wheel.

这是世界上最大的摩天轮 其造型就像一个巨型自行车轮

3. You can be the fourth wheel or the third and a half wheel. I just I really don't know.

我们正好凑成两对 或是一对半 我不知道怎么说

4. The strangest one I've seen has a very big front wheel and a much aller back wheel.

我见过的最奇怪的自行车有个超大的前轮 还有个小得多的后轮

5. Apparently, it's because the big wheel and the little wheel are very different sizes, just like...pennies and farthings.

显然 这是因为大车轮和小车轮 尺寸差别巨大 就像便士和法新那样

6. But I thought that if I honked the horn at the exact moment when the front wheel was in one state and the back wheel was in another, the wish would come true.

因为我认为 车前轮在一个州 而后轮在另一个州的那个瞬间 如果按下了喇叭 愿望就能成真

7. lt's easier to drive backwards, dragging the wheel, but the rover can't climb, and the dead wheel tends to pull it off a straight course, which complicates the driving.

往后开拖着轮子走 很容易 但不能向上攀爬 而且失灵的轮子只能走直线 这加大了驾驶的难度

8. If I can't do it behind the wheel, I can't do it here.

如果我开车时都办不到 那我在这里也办不到

9. How are we getting it here? It's on wheels.

我们怎么把它弄过来 它有轮子

10. What is it? I didn't turn my wheels.

怎么了 我忘记把轮子回位了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

