中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [gjəʊ] 美 [gjoʊ]

n. 长狭潮道;海湾


1. So it looks like this resists traditional geo profiling.


2. As you can see rom the geo ref he's got plenty of privacy.


3. But when I compared her cell phone records against her calendar, some of the geo tags didn't line up.

但我将她手机记录与日程表 进行对比时 发现其中一些位置标签对不上

4. The rest of us will work up a geo profile based on their last known locations.

其他人基于他们最后出现的地点 进行位置侧写

5. Reid's working up a geo profile, but for now, it's anyone's guess where our unsub will strike next.

里德正在做地理侧写 但现在来看 我们只能猜测 嫌犯下一个目标是谁了

6. It replaces maps app with an identical program, only mine has a geo tracker that pings me every time it changes location.

它会把地图的应用换成一模一样的 但是有地理追踪的应用 每次换位置这个应用都会通知我

7. You are probably right, but as far as a geo profile goes, it's gonna be hard to reconcile the two axioms of serial killer behavior.

你说的很有可能 但是就目前的地理侧写看来 很难调和 连环杀手行为的两个定理

8. Well, last week, at 4:17 in the afternoon on the 23rd, to be precise, she charged a double soy latte at a coffee shop ack dab in the middle of the geo zone of the other 3 victims.

上周 准确来说是 23号下午4点17分 她在一个咖啡店点了一杯双豆拿铁 恰好在地理位置上和其他被害人吻合



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

