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音标: 英 ['kɪlə(r)] 美 [ˈkɪlɚ]

n. (非正式)杀人者, 屠杀者, 猛兽, 致死(疾病), 杀手, 止痛药, 限制器, 瞄准器
[计] 删除程序; 断路器

n. someone who causes the death of a person or animal
n. a difficulty that is hard to deal with


1. You don't have the killer, because we have the killer here.

你没有抓住凶手 因为我们抓住了凶手

2. I know a killer when I see a killer and she's a killer.

是不是杀手 我一看便知 她明显是个杀手

3. You were a killer then, and you are a killer still.

你当时就是个杀人犯 现在还是

4. has some meaning for the killer or killers.


5. I know who the killer is. I know who the killer is.

我知道谁是凶手了 我知道谁是凶手了

6. I'm talking about the killers. I understand killers.

我在说凶手 我理解凶手

7. Or maybe he's not on the run from this killer because he is the killer.

没准他不是在躲避凶手 因为他才是凶手

8. Nick thinks the killer who did the killing wasn't actually the killer who did the killing because the killing was done by a killer who'd been dead a long time.

尼克认为行凶的凶手 不是真的行凶的凶手 因为凶案是由一个已经死了很长时间的 凶手犯下的

9. So the killer or killers most likely didn't force their way in.

所以凶手或者凶手们 很有可能不是强行进屋的

10. I mean, he's not a real killer, as killers go.

我想他不是个真正的杀手 像杀手那样做



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

