中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [faɪnd] 美 [faɪnd]

v. 罚钱(fine的过去式)

v issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty
v equip (a car) with fins
v propel oneself through the water in a finning motion
v show the fins above the water while swimming


1. You're fine, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine.

你没事 你没事 你没事

2. It's... It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine.

没事 没事 没事 没事

3. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine.

没关系 没关系 没关系

4. I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.

我没事 我没事 我没事

5. Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, fine, fine, fine.

还好 还好 我没事 没事

6. No, it's fine. I'm fine. It's really fine.

没事 我挺好的 真的挺好

7. Are you alright? I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.

你没事吧 我没事 我很好 我真的没事

8. What you looking at? It's fine, it's fine. It's fine.

你在看什么呢 没事没事

9. You don't have to. I'll... It's fine, it's fine.

你别费心了 我...没事的

10. And that's fine, that's fine out there.

這沒問題 在外面沒問題



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

