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音标: 英 [ˈtrænsətrɪ] 美 [ˈtrænsɪˌtɒrɪ, -ˌtorɪ, ˈtrænzɪ-]

a. 暂时的, 短暂的, 昙花一现的
[法] 临时性诉讼, 可选择管辖区的诉讼; 临时的, 过渡的

s lasting a very short time


1. It's only skindeep, and it's transitory, too.

美貌很肤浅 而且转瞬即逝

2. His human figures are always so transitory.


3. Not exactly. It seems like it was a transitory event.

不完全是 好像只有很短暂的时间

4. I just assumed it was the result of transitory crime scene or laboratory contamination.

我推测这是犯罪现场转移 或实验室污染样本所致

5. Those who live motivated by transitory pleasures, selfinterest were destined to return to this earth.

那些沉浸于短暂的欢愉和自身的 中的人 注定只能回到这世上

6. Romantic love is transitory, but love based on friendship and hot sex is eternal.

浪漫的爱情很短暂 靠友谊和 维系的爱情 则会亘古不变

7. I, however, cannot seem to locate it for a gander, and if I could, I would sell it in a flash for some skindeep, transitory, meaningless beauty.

但我自己却完全看不到 如果看得到 我也会毫不犹豫地 拿去交换肤浅 转瞬即逝 毫无意义的美貌

8. He doesn't have the social skills to hold a job for long, so he's most likely a day laborer, handyman, anything transitory.

他没有能让自己保持一份稳定工作的社交技能 所以他可能是临时工 杂务工 做各种短活



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

