中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɡlimpst]

v. 瞥见( glimpse的过去式和过去分词 ); 开始领悟到, 开始认识到

v catch a glimpse of or see briefly


1. I would just dive in, and justjust hope to get a glimpse of a mermaid, justjust a glimpse.

我跳入水中 希望能看一眼美人鱼 就一眼

2. When we look into space, searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, in a way we're looking for a glimpse of our own future and potentially a glimpse of how our civilisation might come to an end.

当我们望向太空 寻找地外文明时 某种意义上我们是想看一眼自己的未来 更是想要看一眼 我们自己的文明会如何终结

3. They're here because they want a glimpse of who they could be.

他们来这里是因为他们想要一窥 自己有可能成为什么样的人

4. We've only just glimpsed what you're capable of.


5. That glimpse of the future was so overwhelming.

虽说只在未来逗留了片刻 但信息量实在太大了

6. The guests, they're here because they want a glimpse of who they could be.

游客们来这里是因为他们想要一窥 自己有可能成为什么样的人

7. So when you were in here, you got a glimpse of paradise.

当你身处教堂 便能一窥天堂的模样

8. Only in fleeting glimpses but it was enough.

虽然只有短短几瞥 但那也够了

9. I only glimpsed it for a moment. I could be wrong.

只是眨眼间的事情 可能我看错了

10. All you have to do is eat it to glimpse the destination.

你只需吞下去 就能窥探目的地了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

