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音标: 英 ['netɪd] 美 ['netɪd]

a. 用网捕获的, 张网的, 网状的

v make as a net profit
v yield as a net profit
v construct or form a web, as if by weaving
v catch with a net
s having open interstices or resembling a web


1. Get him in the net, get your net, get your net, get your net.

把它弄进网里 拿出你的网 拿出你的网

2. I would go in the park, I had a... a net, and I would... I would use the net.

我会拿着一张网 走到公园里 然后我会...会用那张网

3. These commercial fishing boats came in with huge nets, these dragger nets.

这些商业渔船带着大渔网 和小型拖网纷涌而至

4. Okay, so it's not so easy to tell when something's of the net good or net bad.

所以很难分辨一件事 纯粹是好事还是坏事

5. As the net closes, a drawcord running along the bottom of the net is pulled tight.

渔网逐渐收拢 网底的绳索被收紧

6. If we could keep the sharks away without the net, we could use the net to haul away the trash.

如果我们能在没有网的情况下把鲨鱼赶走 我们就可以用网把垃圾拖走了

7. Drag nets are a traditional fishing practice in which a weighted net is used to trawl the bottom of the sea.

拖网捕鱼是一种传统的捕鱼方式 要使用加重的渔网从海底把鱼拖出来

8. Mayfly larvae live in mud, so if we put the net down, look, kick all that load of mud into the net, right, everyone have a look.

蜉蝣的幼虫生长在泥里 所以我们把网放下去 看 踢一堆泥到网里 好了 都过来看

9. We need to swim beyond the breaking waves, fan out, drop the bottom of the net, then we drag the net and all the fish back to shore.

我们得游过汹涌的海浪 四散开来 松开渔网底部 然后再把渔网和它网住的鱼一同拖回岸边

10. At the start of the dive, you feel like the net is something to keep away from, but by the end of the dive the net is the only thing you can use as a frame of reference and everything else is just moving, and it's very disorientating.

刚潜进去时 你会想要远离渔网 可是到最后 渔网成为了仅有的参照坐标 剩下的整个世界都在移动 完全找不到方向感



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

