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音标: 英 [ˈfɑ:stnəs] 美 [ˈfæstnɪs]

n. 要塞, 巩固, 迅速
[医] 抗拒性

n. the quality of being fixed in place as by some firm attachment


1. And we used to run fast, fast, fast, fast, like colts.

我们常常快跑 很快很快 像小马一样

2. Look, I mean, you're fast, but there's fast, and then there's fast.

你很快 这个快的话 那也会快的

3. I like fast, fast, fast setups and slow punch lines.

我喜欢蹭蹭蹭铺垫 然后娓娓道出妙语警句

4. You white ones go fast, fast, fast get nowhere.

你们白人总是快啊快 什么都干不成

5. It would be poetic, I suppose, but fast, too fast.

我认为那样会很有诗意 但是太快了

6. I'm not going very fast and I can't go very fast.

我的动作不快 我也没办法很快

7. You have got to be fast. I don't need to be fast.

你必须加快速度 我需要的不是加速

8. He is rich, old money, besides that just, you know, what you hear fast boats, fast cars, fast horses.

有钱 世家子弟 除此之外 家里尽是快艇 跑车和快马

9. You want to sell it fast, I'll buy it fast.

你要是想痛快地卖了 那我立马就买

10. Han said you was fast, but not that damn fast.

汉是说过你很快 但没想到这么快



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

