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音标: 英 [.aut'stretʃt]

a. 伸开的, 扩张的, 延伸的

s. fully extended especially in length


1. With my arms outstretched, defenseless before you.

而我手无寸铁 毫无招架之力

2. God's outstretched hand waiting for you to take him.


3. These fractures occurred when his own body collided with his outstretched arm.

这些骨折是由于他自己的身体 跟他伸出的手臂碰撞所致

4. Because this is what we're about here, we're walking through the body and through this pilgrimage and here we're coming to the outstretched arms of the cross.

就是因为它我们才来到这里 我们穿过教堂的主体 正如我们行走在朝圣之路上 现在我们来到了一条十字架般的路口 十字架的两臂张开

5. This thing here, this must be his outstretched arm and then right up here, we come to his head.

这个部分 肯定是他伸展的手臂 在这之上的 就是他的头了

6. A crown jellyfish drifts with tentacles outstretched to ensnare pray.

一只皇冠水母在水中漂浮 伸展触须诱捕猎物

7. Just your toes on the concrete, arms outstretched, not holding the rail.

踮着脚站在混凝土上 双臂伸开 没有抓着护栏

8. No compression fractures to the ulna or phalanges so his arms weren't outstretched or across his face.

尺骨或指骨没有压迫性骨折 所以他没有伸开手臂或是挡在面前

9. Accidentally falling on an outstretched arm can also cause a spiral fracture.

意外摔倒压在伸出的手臂上 也会造成螺旋形骨折

10. A social climber who has to watch the ladder pulled up right in front of your grasping, outstretched arms.

趋炎附势 看到往上爬的机会 明知够不到 还踮着脚尖伸长胳膊往上够



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