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音标: 英 [ˌsu:pəˈhi:tɪd] 美 [ˌsu:pərhi:tɪd]

v. 使过热( superheat的过去式和过去分词 )

imp. & p. p. of Superheat


1. No, for clotting to occur, superheated air would have to be drawn into the lungs.

不 如果要形成血块的话 高温的气体 应该会被吸入肺部

2. A muzzle flash is created by superheated gases leaving a gun.


3. The flame temperature doesn't rise above 390 degrees, and that's just not hot enough to generate superheated oke.

火焰温度低于390度 这并不足以形成 超高温的烟气

4. It creates superheated beds of steam, which make these deadly clouds of ash move even faster.

形成异常高温的蒸汽床 这又促使致命的火山云移动速度加快

5. Space debris could have fallen in a nearby lake, superheating the water and sending it skyward, which would mean this is alien.

那陨石碎片可能就落在附近的湖里 加热水形成了这场雨 这一切都是外星人所为

6. This superheated layer holds in all the loops of magnetic power and all the hot pla a that goes to make up our nearest star.

这层过热的日冕包含着 构成离我们最近的这颗恒星所需的 磁环和高温等离子体

7. If this man were alive when he was burned, he would've inhaled superheated air, causing significant fire damage and soot in the nostrils and mouth.

如果他是被活活烧死的 他会吸入被极度加热过的空气 导致大面积烧伤 鼻子和嘴巴里都会有煤灰的痕迹

8. We have traced the fascinating technics they have evolved in order to survive from the gruesome disguise of the assassin bug to the bombardier beetle's superheated defenses.

我们探查到了它们为了生存 进化出的奇妙本领 从可怕的猎物遗体伪装术 到投弹甲超热的防卫武器

9. One of the first signs of volcanic activity would have been hydrothermal explosions caused by superheated water trapped below the surface turning from liquid to steam.

火山活动最早的迹象之一 可能是水热爆炸 是由困于地表下超热的水 从液态转向气态而导致的



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