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音标: 英 ['hedf'ɜ:st] 美 [ˈhɛdˈfɚst]

adv. 头在前

s. with the head foremost


1. I don't jump in headfirst. I have to get acclimated.

我不会一头扎进去 我得慢慢适应

2. If I don't fly tomorrow, they'll drop me off the platform... headfirst.

如果我明天飞不了 他们会把我头朝下从平台扔下去的

3. He takes a headfirst dive into the orchestra pit.


4. All right. I'm gonna crank the bed down so she's headfirst.

好吧 把床摇低让她头向下

5. For the sperm, it's like swimming headfirst into the side of a pool.

对 们来说 这就像在泳池边上乱闯乱撞

6. So, I flew off the stage and landed headfirst into some guy's lap.

所以我从舞台上飞了出去 然后头向前撞上了某个人的膝盖

7. A few months later, she dove headfirst off the kitchen table.

几个月后 她从餐桌上头朝下往下跳

8. If the victims were looked upon favorably, they were fed headfirst.

如果他们可怜受刑人 就会从头开始塞

9. Rolled off the road down a ditch and crashed headfirst into a concrete dam.

沿着路边的水沟一路滚了下去 一头撞上了水泥桩

10. He made a last second run for it headfirst into an Iranian military unit.

他抓紧时间一路狂奔 一头冲进了伊朗的军事基地



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

