中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['kɒklɪə] 美 ['kɒklɪr]

a. 耳蜗的
[医] 耳蜗的

a. of or relating to the cochlea of the ear


1. I'd have to disable all impulses along the cochlear nerve.


2. Rerouting radio signals into my cochlear implant is not an answer.

切换无线电台信号到我的植入耳蜗 不是答案

3. She says he had cochlear implant surgery a month ago.


4. I believe there may be issues that aren't related to your cochlear implant.

我认为可能有与人工耳蜗 无关的其他问题

5. I kept cochlear gardens as a young man to attract fireflies.


6. It's almost impossible to predict the rehabilitation period after a cochlear implant.

装上人工耳蜗后 几乎无法预测病人的康复时长

7. This is to help us diagnose what's going wrong with the cochlear implant.

这能帮助我们诊断 人工耳蜗出了什么问题

8. The good news is we've talked to your audiologist, and we can turn on your cochlear implant.

好消息是我们已经和你的听力矫正医师谈过了 我们可以给你启动助听器了

9. Best I can tell, schi a is actually nanoscale turbulences caused by cochlear quantum totalities abrading in parallel.

尽我所知 蜗音其实是纳米级别的气流 由耳蜗量子整体通过平行研磨产生

10. Ever since I was little, he's always tried to shelter me from the world and make me better, whether it was cochlear implants or hearing aids or speech therapy, but when nothing fixed me, he was devastated.

从我小时候起 他总想 保护我不受世界伤害 并让我好起来 无论是人工耳蜗 助听器 或言语矫正 但当所有治疗失败后 他绝望透顶



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

