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音标: 英 [ˈhɒrəbl] 美 [ˈhɒrəbəl, ˈhɑr-]

a. 可怕的, 遭透的, 极讨厌的

s provoking horror


1. It doesn't seem horrible. It is horrible.

这不是看起来缺德 就是缺德

2. You are a horrible, horrible bank employee.

你真是个糟透了 差劲至极的银行员工

3. It's horrible. I mean it's, it's beyond horrible.

这件事太可怕了 简直是个悲剧

4. And we're gonna see some horrible, horrible images.

我们会看到很怕怕 很怕怕的图片

5. Well, that's weird, because it was making this horrible, horrible sound.

那可真奇怪 因为它一直发出一种特别吓人的声音

6. But he was horrible and I'm horrible, so just do whatever feels right.

但他打得很烂 我也很烂 你感觉怎么对就怎么来吧

7. If you think that's a horrible life, then you have no idea what a horrible life is.

如果你认为那种生活很糟糕 那你根本不知道糟糕的生活是什么样子

8. Maybe because you're skinny and maybe 'cause you're pretty, you're used to getting away with things, but I want you to know that your actions have an effect on others, and I hate you, and you are a horrible person, and you not understanding that you're a horrible person doesn't make you less of a horrible person.

可能你又瘦长得又好看 已经习惯随心所欲了 但我想让你知道你的行为 已经影响到了其他人 我讨厌你 你是个烂人 而且你对自己是烂人浑然不知 并不能让你好多少

9. Whoever did this must be a horrible person, with a record of doing horrible things.

凶手肯定是个罪大恶极的人 而且势必案底重重

10. I feel like we barely connected, and then this horrible, horrible thing happened.

我们才刚开始了解彼此 就发生了这么可怕的事情



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