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音标: 英 [ˌfətɪlaɪ'zeɪʃən] 美 [ˌfɜ:tələ'zeɪʃən]

n. <主英>=fertilization

n creation by the physical union of male and female gametes; of sperm and ova in an animal or pollen and ovule in a plant
n making fertile as by applying fertilizer or manure


1. They have the intention to go and fertilise an egg.


2. They're fertilising each other and both will produce young.


3. An egg cell that's just been fertilised by your dad's sperm.

刚刚与你父亲的 融合的卵细胞

4. You can't create an overnight forest with extra special fertiliser.

用再强力的肥料也不可能 一夜催出 森林

5. They fertilise the poor soils with seaweed to produce corn.

他们用海藻给贫瘠的土地施肥 以种植玉米

6. He then sold the sewage to farmers for use as fertiliser on the land.

工人再把污水 卖给农户 用作肥料灌溉耕地

7. That's fertiliser. It's just someone getting peckish in a garden centre.

基本就是化肥 某人在花园里毒瘾发作了而已

8. To ensure you get lots of flowers, water the turf but don't fertilise it.

ȷֳҰ ҪʶȽˮ Ҫʩ

9. And add a handful of fertiliser such as this chicken manure, and you're ready to plant.

再加入少量的肥料 比如鸡粪 就可以开始种植了

10. As she delicately attaches them, the male follows closely behind, fertilising the eggs as he goes.

就在她小心地产卵时 雄性小丑鱼紧随其后 给卵子受精



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

