中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [dɪf'leɪtɪd] 美 [dɪˈfletɪd]

a. 泄气的

v collapse by releasing contained air or gas
v release contained air or gas from
v reduce or lessen the size or importance of
v produce deflation in
v reduce or cut back the amount or availability of, creating a decline in value or prices
v become deflated or flaccid, as by losing air
s brought low in spirit


1. We'll be deflating it later and packing it up.

我们稍后就会放气 然后叠起来

2. She's doing a marvelous impression of a deflating balloon.


3. the sheet deflates when someone pulls on it.


4. It's... it's more like a volleyball, slightly deflated.

更像是排球 但是有一點扁的那種

5. All right, then we need to deflate his lung.

好 那我们需要给他的肺放气

6. It's hard to be a pool toy when you're deflated.

如果漏气的话 很难成为一个泳池玩具

7. With the dolphins otherwise engaged the puffer deflates.

当海豚们飘飘欲仙时 河豚瘪气了

8. The balloon deflated midflight, and he fell to his death.

气球在中途漏气了 他摔死了

9. Looking at this sad, deflated cake hurts my soul.

我看着这可悲又泄气的蛋糕 心伤入骨

10. With his checking accounts inflating and deflating radically over that same period of time.

在同一个时间段 他从活期账户里 频繁地存入和取出



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

