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音标: 英 [ˌbenzɒda'æzəˌpɪn] 美 [ˌbenzɒda'æzəˌpɪn]

n. [化]苯(并)二氮■( 用于制造各种镇静药)

n. any of several similar lipophilic amines used as tranquilizers or sedatives or hypnotics or muscle relaxants; chronic use can lead to dependency


1. Well, that sounds to me like benzodiazepine.

看来他们用的 是苯并二氮卓

2. She was on some very heavy sedation a benzodiazepine called hydroxipam.

她被注射了大量的镇定剂 一种叫做羟酰胺的苯二胺

3. And the blood test shows alcohol and benzodiazepine.


4. The benzodiazepines, they weren't for her, they were for the mean girls, to put in the vodka to knock them out.

而苯二氮 不是给她自己买的 是要给 那几个坏女孩 用来掺在伏特加里把她们弄晕

5. He's on naloxone for his altered mental status and benzodiazepine to control his seizures.

我们已经给他注射纳洛酮和苯二氮 来分别缓解神志不清和癫痫的症状

6. Dude, you are going on a date with this girl if I have to pump you full of benzodiazepine and drag you there myself.

哥们 你一定要和这个妹子约会 哪怕得用安定药把你迷晕了 我也要把你拖过去

7. I'm trying to create a that, but with certain benzodiazepine precursor compounds.

我在试着创造一种那样的溶剂 只是里面含有苯二氮卓前体化合物

8. Uh, tox results do show at least 100 milligrams of benzodiazepine in his system.

毒理检测结果显示 他体内至少有一百毫克苯二氮[镇静药]

9. What we see also in elderly that there is a reduction of 40% in incidence of falls just because they're taking less opiates and less benzodiazepines.

我们观测到服用少量的 鸦片剂或苯二氮的老年人 发生跌倒受伤的可能性减少了百分之四十



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

