中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['dɪðə(r)] 美 [ˈdɪðɚ]

n. 发抖, 兴奋
vi. 发抖

n. an excited state of agitation
v. act nervously; be undecided; be uncertain
v. make a fuss; be agitated


1. And it's all your fault because you dithered.

這都是你的錯 因為你猶豫了

2. The other was from his wife saying she had to see him again, he was not to dither, she was waiting.

另一封自他妻子的信写道她还想再见他 他没有在犹豫 她在等他

3. I gave her a chance to come clean, she dithered.

我给过她全盘招供的机会 她犹豫了

4. I don't know why you're both dithering about like 2 monkeys on crack.

我不明白你们两个为什么紧张兮兮的 跟两只神经质的猴子一样

5. She probably had a very sheltered upbringing, very indecisive, and rather a ditherer.

她可能是在一种非常受保护的环境下长大的 非常优柔寡断 甚至不知所措

6. You want a bigger army, find more money and stop dithering.

你想扩军 那就快去筹钱 别犹豫了

7. If we economize, if we dither about expenses in any way, we look like the wounded gazelle we truly are, begging our foes to align with our enemies, test our borders, challenge our interests.

如果我们表现出一点省着花 不舍得花钱 我们会被他们看穿我们是只受伤的羚羊的事实 这无异于求着我们的敌人和敌人结盟 挑衅我们的地线 触动我们的利益



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

