中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [spleɪ] 美 [sple]

vt. 展开, 张开, 使成八字形
vi. 伸展开
n. 展开
a. 八字形的, 倾斜的

n. an outward bevel around a door or window that makes it seem larger
v. spread open or apart
s. turned outward in an ungainly manner


1. Horrible pictures of her tied up, splayed out.

她被绑着 摊开在那里的 可怕的照片

2. We get here, woman's splayed out in the middle of the road.

我们抵达时 那个女人就躺在路正中

3. My wife didn't deserve to be splayed all over the internet like that.


4. Well, his hands are splayed like he was shielding himself from the rounds coming at him.

他的手是张开的好像是 他在试图挡住射向他的子弹

5. Skull crushed, ribs shattered, organs splayed across the console of the red wrecked car.

颅骨骨折 肋骨粉碎 脏器摊在撞毁的红色汽车的仪表盘上

6. optic nerves, and this looks, to me, almost as if you've got splaying of the posterior optic radiations being caused by this mass.

视神经 我觉得看过去 这个肿瘤似乎导致 后部视辐射出现了倾斜

7. I'm gonna be seductively splayed at the bottom of a staircase, wearing none but a tiny bra and panties, making a moving, heartfelt speech about the futility of female rivalry.

我将四肢舒展呈诱惑状的躺在楼梯下 身着勉强遮羞的三点式 发表一番感人肺腑 情真意切的感言 主题是"女人何苦为难女人"



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

