中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['pætrənaɪz] 美 ['pætrənaɪz]

vt. 庇护, 资助, 赞助, 保护, 光顾, 惠顾, 对...以恩人自居

v do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of
v assume sponsorship of
v treat condescendingly
v be a regular customer or client of


1. Not being patronising, but leave me behind.

我不是在说教 但你该放下我了

2. Don't ever let that man patronise you.


3. Of course, yeah, I didn't mean that to be patronising.

当然 我没说这有什么不对

4. patronise me one more time and you'll lose your head.


5. I know you're quite new, and, please, don't think I'm being patronising.

我知道你是新来的 不过请不要觉得我是在施舍性地帮你

6. Don't be patronising, we're still in a buffer period of being a kid to an .

不要摆出一副高高在上的样子 我们还处在从孩子成长为成年人的过渡期

7. Can we not call them ladies, please? It's really patronising.

能别尊称为「女士」吗 一副居高临下的态度

8. And I hope you don't think I'm being patronising, but please try not to appear so desperate.

请不要觉得我在批评你 但拜托你不要表现得过度殷勤

9. Never patronise the selftaught man, especially someone who worked down the mines.

永远不要低谷那些自学成才的男人 特别是那些在矿里工作的

10. MI5'll come and patronise the country cousins, tell us how useless we are.

军情五处会来 对祖国同胞表示关怀 痛斥我们有多没用



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

