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音标: 英 [sʌn] 美 [sʌn]

n. 太阳, 日, 日光, 阳光
vt. 晒
vi. 晒太阳

n. the star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar system
n. a person considered as a source of warmth or energy or glory etc
n. any star around which a planetary system revolves
v. expose one's body to the sun


1. Not only one sun in the sky, but an infinity of suns in the sky.

天空中不止有一个太阳 有无数个

2. Yes, 'cause of glare from the sun, except there was no sun.

对 因为阳光会很刺眼 但那天没出太阳

3. My masters listen, but they can't hear me now, the sun, the sun is so bright.

我的主人一直在监听 但是他们现在听不见 太阳 太阳如此明亮

4. The only way to tilt them towards the sun is to tilt the whole rover towards the sun.

唯一能使他们朝太阳倾斜的办法 就是使它整个朝向太阳

5. The spire was touched by the sun at 7:30 and by 8:05, the sun was to the crux probably.

太阳七点三十升到尖顶 大概八点零五太阳会照射到攀爬难点

6. Ancient people came to believe that gold and the sun were one and the same, so when they honoured the sun, only the colour of gold would suffice.

古人相信 黄金和太阳实为一物 祭拜太阳时 只有金色配得上

7. Ma said anybody could see a sun set, but it takes a motivated person to see the sun rise.

妈妈说 任何人都可以看见日落 而只有 有毅力的人才能看见日出

8. The dancer stares into the sun,sunup to sundown, moving with the sun, dancing, tugging at his tether,pulling, twisting, trying to tear the skewer through his skin.

从日出到日落 舞者始终注视着太阳 同太阳一起舞动 努力挣脱绳子的束缚 试着把木楔子从他的皮肤里拉出

9. We have registered a 6% drop in the sun's energy output, and yes, it happened quite suddenly, but people need to understand our sun goes through periods of high activity and low activity.

我们观测到太阳能量释放降低了6% 是的 事发很突然 但大家需要明白 太阳会经历高活跃期和低活跃期

10. It's an explicit connection between the colour of gold and the colour of the sun both of them have this warm, radiant yellowness, both of them have this terrific sparkle, and both of them have this eternal shine, because 3,500 years later everything else has deteriorated but the gold on this disc like the sun outside this room is still shining.

其中的联系显而易见 黄金的颜色和太阳的颜色 都呈光芒四射的暖 都耀眼夺目 都拥有这种永恒的光辉 因为3500年来 万物衰退 唯有圆盘上的黄金如同屋外的太阳 仍在闪耀



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